Previous courses

Course One
10 weeks over Spring term
8 May - 17 July 2013, Wednesdays, 16:40 - 19:00

Course Two
Intensive one-week course over Summer holidays
19 - 23 August 2013, Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 16:00

More details about Course One
This course is for teachers preparing to teach Computing at GCSE or beyond. The course focuses on programming using a textual language and on understanding the essential concepts of the workings of a computer.

The course will run for ten weeks, excluding half term. Each session will last for 2.5 hours, from 4.30pm to 7pm. It will take place in the ITL Building at Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4NS.

The main course language is Python, a popular language in schools. Programming will be taught from scratch but we recommend that you should have tried at least a little programming beforehand (for example, using Scratch, Kodu, Alice or a similar tool). The ideas you will learn using Python will be applicable to other languages; we will make some comparisons.

Highlights include:
  • The course fee includes a Raspberry Pi for each teacher to keep, used for practical programming both during the course and in your own time.
  • The course is supported by practising school teachers who will be available to answer questions about classroom practice.
  • The course leaders are from Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, the home of cs4fn, a respected resource for teachers and students about computing. As well as teaching undergraduate computer science, they have experience of talking in schools and producing fun computing activities for students.
  • Material will be available on QMUL’s VLE, which is accessible from anywhere.
Topic outline
How Computers Work
Introduction to the course
Using Python interactively: integers, string and expressions.
Component of the Raspberry Pi
Writing scripts; simple input and output.
Variables; distinguishing string and numbers
Computer logic and truth tables
Conditional statement; boolean expressions; dry running programs
Binary numbers
While loops; testing programs
Binary arithmetic
Simple functions; finding faults
Computer memory
While loops; programming style
The CPU; smaller, faster, hotter
Lists and for loops
Storage; performance
Functions with parameters
Operating systems: processes
Using files
Operating system: files
Comparison with other languages

More details about Course Two

This course is for teachers preparing to teach Computing at GCSE or beyond. The course focuses on programming using a textual language and on understanding the essential concepts of the workings of a computer.

The course will run for five straight days over one week, from 19–23 August 2013. Each day will incorporate 5 hours of instruction, starting at 10am and ending at 4pm. It will take place in the ITL Building at Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4FZ.

The main course language is Python, a popular language in schools. Programming will be taught from scratch but we recommend that you should have tried at least a little programming beforehand (for example, using Scratch, Kodu, Alice or a similar tool). The ideas you will learn using Python will be applicable to other languages; we will make some comparisons.

Highlights include:
  • The course fee includes a Raspberry Pi for each teacher to keep, used for practical programming both during the course and in your own time.
  • The course leaders are from Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, the home of cs4fn, a respected resource for teachers and students about computing. As well as teaching undergraduate computer science, they have experience of talking in schools and producing fun computing activities for students.
  • Material will be available on QMUL’s VLE, which is accessible from anywhere.
Topic outline
How Computers Work
1 - morning
Introduction to the course
Using Python interactively: integers, string and expressions.
Component of the Raspberry Pi
1 - afternoon
Writing scripts; simple input and output.
Variables; distinguishing string and numbers
Computer logic and truth tables
2 - morning
Conditional statement; boolean expressions; dry running programs
Binary numbers
2 - afternoon
While loops; testing programs
Binary arithmetic
3 - morning
Simple functions; finding faults
Computer memory
3 - afternoon
While loops; programming style
The CPU; smaller, faster, hotter
4 - morning
Lists and for loops
Storage; performance
4 - afternoon
Functions with parameters
Operating systems: processes
5 - morning
Using files
Operating system: files
5 - afternoon
Comparison with other languages

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